
Despair and hope

Knysna Waterfront, South Africa
At one time I found myself in a place of darkness and deep despair. I had lost everything. The circumstances were such that I had actually PUT myself there, but everything I’d done I really thought was under the direction and leading of the Lord. I’d sold my car, wound down a business I’d been running (although not completely), I’d moved cities, believing a new opportunity was on the horizon. And then I hit a wall. Everything I’d believed would transpire, fell apart. Nothing turned out as I expected. I found myself feeling destitute, unsure of where to live, and what to do. And I’d completely lost the confidence I once had firstly in actually hearing God, and secondly in my abilities to achieve anything at all in life. 

Around that time, I received a phone call completely out of the blue from an old friend whom I hadn’t seen or spoken to for at least 10 years. He said, I heard what happened. But the night before, God had given him a dream about me. And a scripture. He said, God says, where you are right now is EXACTLY the place He wants you to be. There is no mistake. And the verse was Isaiah 46:11 “Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man Cyrus who executes my counsel from a far country. Yes, I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed it, and I will do it.” 

I knew this verse meant that all the promises God had given me previously would still materialize. Cyrus was the Babylonian king who provided all the Gold to God’s people for the rebuilding of the Temple when they were released from exile. For me, this translated into a promise for my own life from God that HE would provide everything I need to fulfil the purposes and promises He has given and destined for my life, and that He could do that in unexpected ways and from unexpected sources. It was a dramatic moment of great encouragement, and strengthened me for the journey at the time.

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