I believe it is important for us to recognise not only the times and seasons in our lives (and opportunities) but also the places. There is definitely a purpose for us in the sense of being at the right place at the right time geographically.
And He made from one common origin, one source, one blood all nations of men to settle on the face of the earth, having definitely determined their allotted periods of time and the fixed boundaries of their habitation (their settlements, lands, and abodes), So that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after Him and find Him, although He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:26-27 (TAB)
Abraham followed this principle.
Urged on by faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went, although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go. Hebrews 11:8 (TAB)
At one time I became aware of a change of location coming up in my life. I was living in Cape Town and the wind blew literally for 6 weeks nonstop. The wind was so strong that some days it felt one had to hold onto a lamp post to prevent being blown away. People who came down for their summer holidays at that time complained bitterly because they could not have "beach days", the sand would just blow into their eyes and made everything most unpleasant. But to me it felt like a "wind of change". At the time I asked a friend to pray for me and I knew God would give him a "Word" for me. When the "Word" came, it was a confirmation of something I already knew in my heart. I knew that I had to move cities, from Cape Town to Johannesburg. So I bought a one way ticket. Within a few weeks of moving, I found myself in a completely new field, and success in that field was instantaneous. Many things changed which confirmed that I was in exactly the right place at the right time.
This is so important because where we live affects so much in our lives. Who we will meet. Opportunities for success in the fulfilment of our destiny. And enjoyment of the present moment.
“You will go out with joy and be led forth with peace” (Isaiah 55:12). I know I am in the right place at the right time when the Peace of God rules like an umpire in my heart.
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